This group show was conceptualized by Mark Meier and Shawn Mishak, after witnessing what he was going through. The exhibition is dedicated to increases awareness about Parkinson’s disease and our country’s dependence on prescription drugs.
During the month of the exhibition there will have a symposium about Parkinson’s with experts giving a talk on the subject. The aim is to help people to more fully understand the disease and how it effects ones afflicted and to allow people to share their stories. We aim to keep things hopeful as there are new treatment options for Parkinson’s being examined every day. We are also asking artists and patrons to donate what they can towards Parkinson’s research. All donations and proceeds will go to The Michael J. Fox Foundation which has been working towards treatments and a hopeful cure for this dreadful disease.
Opening Reception: Friday November 8th from 6 pm-11 pm
Opening: Facebook Invitation
Closing Reception (PLEASE NOTE DATE/TIME CHANGE): Friday November 29th from 7 pm-9:30pm
Closing: Facebook Invitation
Please nose that Cat cannot be present for closing reception.