The Group Show "Dark Carnival" runs October 16-November 27, 2020, with an Opening Reception from 4:30-8:30 PM on Friday, October 15, 2020. Reservations for 15 minute time slots are required for the opening reception, as well as masks and social distancing. The show features the work of 32 artists and includes painting, assemblage, photography, clay, metal, encaustic, mixed media, wood, digital art and drawing. Art created for this show utilizes found art and objects that have been re-created in some fashion by the artists making a completely new piece. The Opening Reception also features a special book sale and signing of "Ghastly Tales of Gaiety & Greed - Unauthorized & Haunted Cedar Point" by author E.F. Schraeder. Told in vignettes, this fictional tale takes a haunted tour of scrapbook memories where legendary summers mix with history and rumor. An admirer of strange wonders, slights of hand, and carousels, E. F. Schraeder writes poetry and fiction that is often inspired by not quite real worlds. Schraeder’s work has appeared in Strange Horizons, Pulp Modern, Mystery Weekly Magazine, and other journals and anthologies. For more information or a reservation please call 419-621-7617. Reservations are not required after the opening during regular business hours, while masks and social distancing are mandatory.