Their story begins living among humans by finding a little girl that adopts, shelter, feeds, and loves them in their cat form. Little does she realize the great strengths and good that would be bestowed upon her throughout her life due to these two fae beings. All due to how much she cared and loved them. Meet the pucai, Sebastian and Auriel.
Both are fully poseable, clay sculpted and handsewn fibers, arms, legs, heads, and tails with an aluminum wire armature. 20-22”
Mediums: Polymer Clay, faux fur, air brush, acrylics, upcycled fabrics/beads/bells.
Púca, pooka, or phouka means spirit or goblin, a shapeshifting sidhe based from Irish and Scottish folklores. They can be malevolent for the deserving and bring luck (although, natural tricksters) to those that which are accepting of them and give them food offerings. They can transform humanoid or sometimes preferred forms are among cats, rabbits, horses, goats, and dogs. For those that were thoughtful and kind to them, they may bestow good luck, are sometimes prophetic, and may warn those that helped them of danger. The story of these pucai (dolls) decided to become a beloved rescued and found cat for a human family during the day, but at night is when pucai shapeshift to other playful forms that sometimes are humanoid and play and when they can talk to humans in human languages. They can be malevolent and resentful if not treated well, but if given gifts and treated respectfully as a sentient being not to be feared, they will bestow great things for those humans. They will also help protect those humans in times of great danger. As the story goes, never judge a book by its cover and never put blind trust into things that one may think will not come back to haunt, trick, sabotage, or bite.